I got a .xll file that I can easily add to excel by doing this: Options > Addins > Browse > double click .xll file It gets imported + activated (and it remains in my excel addins every time I close and open Excel).
This is the manual way I try to replace with a script.
$excel=New-Object -ComObject excel.application
$excel.Visible = "$True"
This will create an instance of Excel, register the XLL (I get a "true" in my console) and show the created instance. But when I then go to AddIns, the AddIn isn't there.
xl = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch("Excel.Application")
xl.Visible = True
wb = xl.Workbooks.Open("C:/Users/michael.k/Desktop/v-0.0.1-20210906/Test.xlsx")
But this behaves like the Powershell script.
So.. how can I add my .xll file into Excel to stay there permanently? Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks to the link Charles Williams gave me, I was able to do it a little bit different.
You can easily create a registry key to let excel know that it should run the .xll-file.
# initializing new variables
$req_path = Get-Item -Path Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Excel\Options |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Property
$newest_version = (Get-ChildItem -Path I:\Software\LS-ZmqRtd\Test\ -Directory | sort lastwritetime | Select -Last 1).Name
$full_path_new_version = '/R "I:\Software\LS-ZmqRtd\Test\'+$newest_version+'\LS-ZmqRtd-AddIn64.xll"'
$only_opens = @()
[bool]$ls_zmqrtd_found = $false
[bool]$ls_zmqrtd_updated = $false
$count_opens = 0
# welcome message
echo ">> checking if the LS-ZmqRtd addin is installed and has the newest version.."
Start-Sleep -s 5
# check if there are regkeys that contain 'OPEN' in their name (if yes, add them to the $only_opens array)
foreach ($entry in $req_path)
if ($entry -like "OPEN*")
$only_opens += $entry
if (!$only_opens) # check if array is empty (if yes, add the new regkey for LS-ZmqRtd)
echo ">> the LS-ZmqRtd addin couldn't be found.. adding it to excel now."
Start-Sleep -s 2
New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Excel\Options -Name OPEN -PropertyType String -Value $full_path_new_version
echo ">> addin was added to excel successfully - this requires Excel to be fully closed and re-opened."
else # if no, check if one of the regkeys have the LS-ZmqRtd path value (if found, set $ls_zmqrtd_found to true - else remain false)
foreach ($open in $only_opens)
$value = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Excel\Options" -Name $open).$open
if ($value -eq $full_path_new_version)
$ls_zmqrtd_found = $true
echo ">> found an old version of LS-ZmqRtd.. replacing it with the new one now."
Start-Sleep -s 2
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Excel\Options -Name $open -Value $full_path_new_version
$ls_zmqrtd_updated = $true
$count_opens += 1
if ($ls_zmqrtd_found -eq $true) # if $ls_zmqrtd_found is true, there is nothing to do
echo ">> found that the newest version of LS-ZmqRtd is already installed - nothing to do here."
elseif ($ls_zmqrtd_updated -eq $true)
echo ">> updated LS-ZmqRtd to the newest version - an update requires Excel to be fully closed and re-opened."
else # if $ls_zmqrtd_found is false, increment the last OPEN's number by 1 and add the new reqkey for LS-ZmqRtd
$new_reg_key = "OPEN" + ($count_opens+1)
echo ">> the LS-ZmqRtd addin couldn't be found.. adding it to excel now."
Start-Sleep -s 2
New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Excel\Options -Name $new_reg_key -PropertyType String -Value $full_path_new_version
echo ">> addin was added to excel successfully - this requires Excel to be fully closed and re-opened."
This script checks if the .xll-File is already named in a registry key.