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Angular (v12) detect browser triggered navigation to send Google analytics call

Having 'ga' call in app.component.ts in router event works only when we navigate from the app, if you enter a path in the browser search bar directly the event is not triggered.


ngAfterViewInit() { any) => {
      if(event instanceof NavigationEnd) {
        ga('set', 'page', event.urlAfterRedirects);
        ga('send', 'pageview');

Navigating directly to a path from browser like does not trigger the above event.

Having 'ga' call in ngOnInit() in every route is a solution but its redundant. Any effective solution for this?

And also having the above ga code in ngOnInit() instead of ngAfterViewInit() also does not help.


  • Just in case if someone is having the same problem, like the question says in local when you do ng s GA does not work on browser triggered navigation, but in the production server, since we configure nginx/apache to serve angular app we redirect 404 pages to root of the app and from there angular handles redirections to specified route or a 404 page, this is treated as in app navigation and GA works.

    nginx config:

    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;