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Espresso test: TestNavHostController.setCurrentDestination not being set correctly

In my Espresso test I have set up to create an Activity with a Fragment and Navigation Graph:

protected inline fun <reified A : AppCompatActivity, reified F : Fragment> launchFragment(
    @NavigationRes navigationResource: Int,
    @IdRes fragmentId: Int
) {
    launchFragmentInHiltContainer<A, F> {
        navController.setCurrentDestination(fragmentId) //<-- I believe the problem is here
        this.viewLifecycleOwnerLiveData.observeForever {
            Navigation.setViewNavController(this.requireView(), navController)

inline fun <reified A : AppCompatActivity, reified F : Fragment> launchFragmentInHiltContainer(
    fragmentArgs: Bundle? = null,
    fragmentFactory: FragmentFactory? = null,
    crossinline action: Fragment.() -> Unit = {}
) {
    val startActivityIntent = Intent.makeMainActivity(

    ActivityScenario.launch<A>(startActivityIntent).onActivity { activity ->
        fragmentFactory?.let {
            activity.supportFragmentManager.fragmentFactory = it
        val fragment: Fragment = activity.supportFragmentManager.fragmentFactory.instantiate(

        fragment.arguments = fragmentArgs
            .add(, fragment, "") //<-- I have also tried the Id of the fragment container in the activity


And my Activity and Fragment load up fine, but if I log the result of findNavController().currentDestination it shows me the first screen in my flow (I am trying to test from the 4th screen)

This is not such a big problem except that when in my test setup the Fragment tries to open a new fragment I get the following error:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Navigation action/destination packageName:id/action_screen4_to_ErrorScreen cannot be found from the current destination Destination(packageName:id/screen1Fragment) label=screen1 class=screen1Fragment

So the Navigation thinks I'm on the startDestination fragment and not the fragment that I'm trying to load, so I can't navigate away FROM my Fragment in test. I am not trying to pop, I know there would be no backstack.

The following code is what I use to navigate inside my fragment, which works fine "in flow".


I have tried

  • accessing the requireView() instead
  • using binding.root.findNavController()
  • requireActivity().findNavController(requireView().id)
  • Navigation.findNavController(requireActivity(),
  • Navigation.findNavController(requireView())

I have created a repo that demonstrates the problem:


  • So I found out that this is quite possible, and you can load a fragment into any activty if you use deep linking rather than trying to set the destination after the activity is loaded:

    protected inline fun <reified A : AppCompatActivity> launchFragment(
        @NavigationRes navigationResource: Int,
        @IdRes fragmentId: Int,
        fragmentArgs: Bundle? = null
    ) {
        launchFragmentWithDeepLink<A>(fragmentArgs, null, navigationResource, fragmentId)
    inline fun <reified A : AppCompatActivity> launchFragmentWithDeepLink(
        fragmentArgs: Bundle? = null,
        fragmentFactory: FragmentFactory? = null,
        @NavigationRes navigationResource: Int,
        @IdRes fragmentId: Int
    ) {
        val launchIntent = NavDeepLinkBuilder(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().targetContext)
        ActivityScenario.launch<A>(launchIntent).onActivity { activity ->
            fragmentFactory?.let {
                activity.supportFragmentManager.fragmentFactory = it

    And then the usage:

    @get:Rule(order = 1)
    override val hiltRule = HiltAndroidRule(this)
    @get:Rule(order = 2)
    val activityTestRule = ActivityScenarioRule(
    private fun showFragment() {