I am trying to automatically create SGs for CloudFront IPs so I can associate them my ALB.
This article has a very good insight on how to achieve it, but unfortunately it didn't work on my environment.
This is the code:
data "aws_ip_ranges" "cloudfront" {
regions = ["global"]
services = ["cloudfront"]
locals {
chunks_v4 = chunklist(data.aws_ip_ranges.cloudfront.cidr_blocks, 60)
resource "aws_security_group" "cloudfront" {
count = length(local.chunks_v4)
ingress {
from_port = 443
to_port = 443
protocol = "tcp"
cidr_blocks = [local.chunks_v4[count.index]]
egress {
from_port = 0
to_port = 0
protocol = "-1"
cidr_blocks = [""]
lifecycle {
create_before_destroy = true
and that is the error message:
│ Error: Incorrect attribute value type
│ on main.tf line 34, in resource "aws_security_group" "cloudfront":
│ 34: cidr_blocks = [local.chunks_v4[count.index]]
│ ├────────────────
│ │ count.index is a number, known only after apply
│ │ local.chunks_v4 is a list of list of dynamic, known only after apply
│ Inappropriate value for attribute "cidr_blocks": element 0: string required.
Shouldn't it be something like:
local.chunks_v4[count.index][0 to 59???]
How can I achieve it by using Terraform?
Edit: Since there is a hard limit of 60 CIDR blocks, we need to split it into chunks, thanks for the heads up @Marcin!
locals {
chunks_v4 = chunklist(data.aws_ip_ranges.cloudfront.cidr_blocks, 60)
data "aws_ip_ranges" "cloudfront" {
regions = ["global"]
services = ["cloudfront"]
resource "aws_security_group" "cloudfront" {
count = length(local.chunks_v4)
ingress {
from_port = 443
to_port = 443
protocol = "tcp"
cidr_blocks = local.chunks_v4[count.index]
egress {
from_port = 0
to_port = 0
protocol = "-1"
cidr_blocks = [""]
lifecycle {
create_before_destroy = true