I'm stuck in this code, I have to get a tuple from three lists by using the zip function and a for loop (no index or enumerate (mandatory)). I need to get this:
answer = (
("John", "London", "Cloudy"),
("Bruno", "San Paulo", "Sunny"),
("Mike", "Sevilla", "Windy"),
And I tried this (inside a function):
answer = []
for item in zip([name], [place], [weather]):
answer = tuple(answer)
return answer
The thing is, I'm getting this output:
((["John", "Bruno", "Mike"], ["London", "San Paulo", "Sevilla"], ["Cloudy", "Sunny", "Windy"]),)
So, not only the brackets inside are a problem but also the order. Can someone give a hint? Thank you.
Don't put []
around the variables. Now you're zipping those lists, not the contents of the variables.
Just use:
answer = tuple(zip(name, place, weather))