I'm trying to change the text color in an RMD file using a PDF output. I'm doing this for work and need to use a specific hex color code.
I was able to successfully change the text color using the command:
Roses are \textcolor{red}{red}, violets are \textcolor{blue}{blue}
Is it possible to change the text color in a PDF output using color hex codes? Example:
Roses are \textcolor{#1C8FCE}{#1C8FCE}, violets are \textcolor{#BBD531}{#BBD531}
Any and all help is appreciated.
Yes, you can, see there and there:
You can also use CSS:
```{css echo=FALSE}
.my color {
color: #FF0000;
font-weight: 700
#R Markdown
`r sprintf("<span class='my color'>BLAH-BLAH</span>")`
To make a pdf from html. "Knit to Html" - > "Open in Browser" -> "Save as PDF..."