I have long-lived token of user on back-end and successfully getting different information from graph-api endpoints.
Now I am trying to refresh these valid, unexpired tokens on my side periodically and following Refresh Access Token documentation, but getting an error with 400 status code every time:
My request:
curl -X GET \
Sorry, this content isn't available right now
To make sure that token was valid, checked it via Access Token Debugger tool and it seems that my token is valid for next 3 months.
I found that several other engineers having the same problem but was not able to find any way out or the reason of this issue.
Is there any solution for it?
I have found an answer on my question and since I already see one person in comment, for whom my answer will be useful, going to post it here.
In order to refresh valid token, we can use https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token
So the request with params will be like this:
Also, one more note - if I remember correctly, even old token will keep valid until its ttl don't expires.