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Batch file - Current working directory interferes with environment variable CD

on my Windows laptop my company sets the environment variable CD to some directory and I can not change that. In a batch file I have to use the current working directory like

set current_dir=%cd%

Now the environment overrides the current directory. If I put the line

set cd=

in front the original variable would be deleted. Is there a safe way to get the current directory as the batch file might be used in other environments too?


  • The first thing I'd suggest, for general use, as per my comment, is that you use %__CD__%, (or if you do not want the trailing backward slash, %__CD__:~,-1%), instead.


    @Set "CWD=%__CD__:~,-1%"
    @Set CWD 2>NUL

    The following alternatives may also help you out, although none are tested within a similarly broken environment:

    @Set "CWD="
    @For %%G In (.) Do @Set "CWD=%%~fG"
    @Set CWD 2>NUL
    @Set "CWD="
    @For /F "Delims=" %%G In ('CD') Do @Set "CWD=%%G"
    @Set CWD 2>NUL
    @Set "CWD="
    @For /F "EOL=? Delims=" %%G In ('Echo Prompt $P^|%SystemRoot%\System32\cmd.exe /D/E')Do @Set "CWD=%%G"
    @Set CWD 2>NUL