Could someone, please, help with next question? How can I replace C by B, and B by C? Now I have ternary plot ACB (clockwise), but I want to get ABC (clockwise).
fig = px.scatter_ternary(df_small,a=df_small.Toluene, b =df_small.Benzene, c=df_small.Ethylbenzene,size_max = 10, opacity = [1,1],symbol_sequence = [1,0])
fig.update_layout({'ternary': {'sum':1,
'aaxis':{'title': ' A <br>','min': 0,
'linewidth':2, 'ticks':'outside',
'baxis':{'title': '<br>B', 'min': 0,
'linewidth':2, 'ticks':'outside',
'caxis':{'title': '<br>C', 'min': 0,
'linewidth':2, 'ticks':'outside',
I think you can switch the positions of B and C when you create the figure. Then switch the titles as well.
fig = px.scatter_ternary(df_small,a=df_small.Toluene, b=df_small.Ethylbenzene, c=df_small.Benzene,size_max = 10, opacity = [1,1],symbol_sequence = [1,0])
fig.update_layout({'ternary': {'sum':1,
'aaxis':{'title': ' A <br>','min': 0,
'linewidth':2, 'ticks':'outside',
'baxis':{'title': '<br>C', 'min': 0,
'linewidth':2, 'ticks':'outside',
'caxis':{'title': '<br>B', 'min': 0,
'linewidth':2, 'ticks':'outside',