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How to use Python to create interactive plots under Orange?

I would like to use Orange to create a 3D scatterplot but apparently this feature has not yet been implemented (although it was recently requested: see here).

I started playing with the Python script "widget".

I managed to create a plot that I could later save to a png image:

from Orange.preprocess import DomainDiscretizer
discretizer = DomainDiscretizer()
d_test = discretizer(in_data)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt



However, I cannot create an interactive plot. Under Spyder or Jupyter, I would simply type %matplotlib to use the Qt5Agg backend, but doing so in the Orange console returns the following error:

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

How can I create an interactive plot using the Python widget in Orange?


  • I did not fully understand what you mean by the interactive plot. but maybe you are talking about :

    is that it ?