I have a list of stats that I keep for every team in the NFL. Every week I have a function that goes through the whole league and using enumerate, ranks teams in each stat category and then saves to a db.
My question is... if multiple teams have the same value how do I give them the same rank?
For example if the Patriots and Giants each average 30points a game and thats the best in the league, how do I make them both rank 1 and the next team start at 3?
Below I have how I currently rank the teams now I appreciate any help or tips you can offer.
for team in TeamName.objects.filter(league__name='NFL'):
for count, value in enumerate(NFLTeamStats.objects.all().values(
'name', 'avg_points').order_by(
'-avg_points'), start=1):
if value['name'] == team.pk:
avg_points_rank = count
You can use a Window function and Rank to annotate each row with a rank that increments in the exact way you describe
from django.db.models import F, Window
from django.db.models.functions import Rank
for stats in NFLTeamStats.objects.annotate(
rank=Window(expression=Rank(), order_by=F('avg_points').desc())
print(stats, stats.rank)