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Where is storage_path('/app/public/') located exactly

I want to run this code via command line:

public function handle()
        if ( ! File::exists(storage_path('/app/public/examResult/' . $this->argument('file'))) ) {
            dd('Not found this file!');

        Excel::import(new ImportsExamResultImport(), storage_path('/app/public/examResult/' . $this->argument('file')));

        dd('Import excel was successfully');

So it basically reads an Excel file which is located at storage_path('/app/public/examResult/') directory.

So I placed my Excel file at laravelproject/app/public/examResult but when I run the command to execute it, I get this message:

Not found this file!

So the question is, where exactly storage_path ? Am I putting the file in the right place ?


  • When you set up a new project you will want to run :

    php artisan storage:link

    That sets up a symbolic link from laravelproject/public/storage to laravelproject/storage


    can be found at :
