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How to pass enum value in angular template as an input?

I have a child component which takes type as an input
child component :

export enum PersonTypes {
  MALE = 'male',
  FEMALE = 'female'
  selector: 'app-child'
export class ChildComponent {

  @Input() type: PersonTypes;

Parent component:

  selector: 'app-parent'
export class ParentComponent {


In the Parent component View template:

     <app-child [type]="PersonTypes.MALE"></app-child>
     <app-child [type]="PersonTypes.FEMALE"></app-child>

so , the question is how to pass the different enum values in the template ? i found one answer saying we need create a new variable in parent component and then assign that value to "type" in the template like below.

  selector: 'app-parent',
  template:` <div>
     <app-child [type]="malePerson"></app-child>
     <app-child [type]="femalePerson"></app-child>
 </div>  `
export class ParentComponent {
        malePerson = PersonTypes.MALE;
        femalePerson = PersonTypes.FEMALE;

for me it is over killed solution , what if we have 10 enum properties , we end up creating 10 local variables and assigning them in the template is too much.

any better solution for this ?


  • To use Enum in the template you just have to directly assign the Enum to the component public property.

      selector: 'app-parent'
    export class ParentComponent {
    public PersonTypesEnum = PersonTypes; // direct reference 

    Now PersonTypesEnum can be used in a template

         <app-child [type]="PersonTypesEnum.MALE"></app-child>
         <app-child [type]="PersonTypesEnum.FEMALE"></app-child>