I have the following classes:
Class Person
Property ID As String = Nothing
Property Firstname As String = ""
Property Lastname As String = ""
End Class
Class Account
Property AccountNumber As String = ""
Property Owners As New List(Of Person)
End Class
Using Bogus, I set a range of values from 1,000 to 10,000 for Person.ID, like so:
Dim fakePerson = New Faker(Of Person)().
Rules(Sub(c, p)
p.ID = c.Random.Long(1000, 10000).ToString
End Sub
How do I set Account.Owners to utilize Person.ID values as defined in fakePerson when I instantiate an instance of the Account class like so?:
Dim fk = Faker.Create()
Dim acct = fk.Generate(Of Account)
Solution provided by Bogus author bchavez at https://github.com/bchavez/Bogus/issues/394.
Sub Main
Dim personFaker = New Faker(Of Person)
personFaker.RuleFor(Function(p) p.Firstname, Function(f) f.Name.FirstName)
.RuleFor(Function(p) p.Lastname, Function(f) f.Name.LastName)
.RuleFor(Function(p) p.ID, Function(f) f.Random.Int(1000,10000).ToString)
Dim accountFaker = New Faker(Of Account)
accountFaker.RuleFor(Function(a) a.AccountNumber, Function(f) f.Random.Replace("###############"))
.RuleFor(Function(a) a.Owners, Function(f) New List(Of Person)(personFaker.GenerateBetween(1,5)))
End Sub
Class Person
Property ID As String = Nothing
Property Firstname As String = ""
Property Lastname As String = ""
End Class
Class Account
Property AccountNumber As String = ""
Property Owners As New List(Of Person)
End Class