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exec ctx_rehash fails with bash: exec: ctx_rehash: not found

I am in the process of Citrix Workspace on Ubuntu Mate. I have followed the directions provided at this link:

However this command specified on the page for certificate setup fails:

$ exec ctx_reash

bash: exec: ctx_rehash: not found

Running exec without any parameters completes silently, so bash definitely recognizes the command.

I have searched the internet and most of the example show redirect after "exec" and before the file specified.


  • I had the same challenge (Mint 20.2)

    In my case I just ran the ctx_hash file by going to the relevant directory and typing


    that worked, "exec ctx_hash" will not work. But the file is executable so I didn't need to change permissions or anything and was able to run it fine. This resolved the problem.