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Add border to the first slide in Xaringan with CSS

I would like to include a red border to the first xaringan slide:

This is my Rmd code:

title: "Presentation Ninja"
subtitle: "⚔<br/>with xaringan"
author: "Yihui Xie"
institute: "RStudio, PBC"
date: "2016/12/12 (updated: `r Sys.Date()`)"
    css: ['presentation_1.css']
    lib_dir: libs
      highlightStyle: github
      highlightLines: true
      countIncrementalSlides: false

# First Slide

# Second Slide

# Third Slide

# Fourth Slide


In css file I did:

.remark-slides-area div:first-child {
    border: 5px solid red;

Why it didnt work?


  • If you consider the title slide the first slide then:

    .title-slide {
        border: 5px red solid;

    Or, if the first slide is not the title:

    .remark-slide-container:first-child .remark-slide-content {
        border: 5px red solid;

    You can also try this which is close to your attempt:

    .remark-slides-area > div:first-child {
        border: 5px solid red