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How to correctly type an asyncio class instance variables

Consider the following example class containing attributes that require running a coroutine for initialization:

class Example:
  def __init__(self) -> None:
    self._connection: Optional[Connection] = None

  async def connect() -> None:
    self._connection = await connect_somewhere(...)

  async def send(data: bytes) -> None:

If I run mypy (perhaps with strict-optional enabled) on this example, it will complain that _connection can be None in send method and the code is not type-safe. I can't initialize the _connection variable in __init__, as it needs to be run asynchronously in a coroutine. It's probably a bad idea to declare the variable outside __init__ too. Is there any way to solve this? Or do you recommend another (OOP) design that would solve the issue?

Currently, I either ignore the mypy complaints, prepend assert self._connection before each usage or append # type: ignore after the usage.


  • It is generally not good design to have classes in an unusable state unless some method is called on them. An alternative is dependency injection and an alternative constructor:

    from typing import TypeVar, Type
    # not strictly needed – one can also use just 'Example'
    # if inheritance is not needed
    T = TypeVar('T')
    class Example:
        # class always receives a fully functioning connection
        def __init__(self, connection: Connection) -> None:
            self._connection = connection
        # class can construct itself asynchronously without a connection
        async def connect(cls: Type[T]) -> T:
            return cls(await connect_somewhere(...))
        async def send(self, data: bytes) -> None:

    This frees __init__ from relying on some other initialiser to be called later on; as a bonus, it is possible to provide a different connection, e.g. for testing.

    The alternative constructor, here connect, still allows to create the object in a self-contained way (without the callee knowing how to connect) but with full async support.

    async def example():
        # create instance asynchronously
        sender = await Example.connect()
        await sender.send(b"Hello ")
        await sender.send(b"World!")

    To get the full life-cycle of opening and closing, supporting async with is the most straightforward approach. This can be supported in a similar way to the alternative constructor – by providing an alternative construct as a context manager:

    from typing import TypeVar, Type, AsyncIterable
    from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
    T = TypeVar('T')
    class Example:
        def __init__(self, connection: Connection) -> None:
            self._connection = connection
        async def scope(cls: Type[T]) -> AsyncIterable[T]:
            connection = await connect_somewhere(...)  # use `async with` if possible! 
                yield cls(connection)
        async def send(self, data: bytes) -> None:

    Alternative connect constructor omitted for brevity. For Python 3.6, asynccontextmanager can be fetched from the asyncstdlib (Disclaimer: I maintain this library).

    There is a general caveat: closing does leave objects in an unusable – thus inconsistent – state practically by definition. Python's type system has no way to separate "open Connection" from "closed Connection", and especially not to detect that .close or the end of a context transitions from one to the other.

    By using async with one partially side-steps this issue, since context managers are generally understood not to be useable after their block by convention.

    async def example():
        async with Example.scope() as sender:
            await sender.send(b"Hello ")
            await sender.send(b"World!")