on the tasks.py side i do:
app = Celery(
app.conf.task_serializer = 'pickle'
app.conf.result_serializer = 'pickle'
app.conf.event_serializer = 'pickle'
app.conf.accept_content = ['pickle']
app.conf.task_accept_content = ['pickle']
app.conf.result_accept_content = ['pickle']
app.conf.event_accept_content = ['pickle']
when i start two workers manually i via:
celery --app tasks worker --concurrency=1 -n by_hand_1 &
sleep 5
celery --app tasks worker --concurrency=1 -n by_hand_2
i get errors:
[ERROR/MainProcess] Refusing to deserialize disabled content of type pickle (application/x-python-serialize
to use serializer 'pickle'?p.s. regarding "duplicates" the celery
framework has changed significantly and since version 4.0 the default serializer was changed from pickle
to default json
... so that is why i am asking a new question.
configuring the app with the MIME type seems to fix the issue:
app.conf.event_serializer = 'pickle' # this event_serializer is optional. somehow i missed this when writing this solution and it still worked without.
app.conf.task_serializer = 'pickle'
app.conf.result_serializer = 'pickle'
app.conf.accept_content = ['application/json', 'application/x-python-serialize']
previously i was trying to set the accept conect field with just 'pickle' which did not help.
p.s. here are some more notes regarding if you need the pickle serializer:
to the value above means you can send both json
and pickle
and celery
will see the type in the message headers and do the right thing