Is there a tf command
that will extract all versions of config.json
file, from all changesets?
I want to see how it was changed in the course of development.
I use Team Foundation Server 2012 (v11).
You'll need to script that... Using PowerShell or something similar.
tf history /collection:{{https://server/collection}} {{$/project/path/file}} /format:brief /noprompt
to grab all unique changesets for the file. Extract the numbers for each line in the table. A regex is an easy way... ^\d+
on each line should grab the number from the start of each line.
Then create a local workspace to get the copies of the file, the basic structure should look like this, but you'll need to script the loop and variable insertions:
md temp
cd temp
tf workspace /new /noprompt temporary-workspace /collection:{{https://server/collection}}
tv workfold /map $/project/path . /collection:{{https://server/collection}}
## foreach {{changesetnumber}} in {{history}}
tf get /version:c{{changesetnumber}} /overwrite /force /noprompt {{$/project/path/}}config.json
copy config.json ..\config.json.{{changesetnumber}}
## end forach
tf workspace /delete temporary-workspace
That should create a numbered copy of the file for each changeset.
The powershell script below works for me, but is still a bit rough:
$tf = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\TF.exe"
$collectionUri = ""
$path = '$/agile2017'
$file = "xxxxxxx"
$history = & $tf history /collection:$collectionUri $path/$file /format:brief /noprompt
$changesets = $history | %{ Select-String -InputObject $_ -Pattern "^\d+" }
$changesets = $changesets.Matches | %{ $_.value }
cd $env:temp
md temporary-workspace -force
md history -Force
cd temporary-workspace
& $tf workspace /new /noprompt temporary-workspace /collection:$collectionUri
& $tf workfold /map $path .
foreach ($changeset in $changesets)
& $tf get /version:c$changeset /overwrite /force /noprompt $path/$file
copy "$file" "..\history\$file.$changeset" -Force
& $tf workspace /delete temporary-workspace
cd ..
rd temporary-workspace -Recurse