I am trying to calculate the duration between StartTime and CurrentDate. However, the StartTime data comes in Text Form as below. I tried converting it using =ToDate([StartDate];"MMddyyyy") but got #ERROR instead.
It would be best if your StartTime was stored and retrieved as DateTime data type.
Assuming that is beyond your control, you need to convert your StartTime string to a date. However, I cannot figure out how to deal with the milliseconds so I got rid of them. To do so I found the position of the decimal. Here is my formula for a variable called Decimal Position.
=Pos([Start Date Text]; ".")
I then take the everthing to the left of that and store it in Start Date Text Trimmed.
=Left([Start Date Text]; [Decimal Position] - 1)
Now convert that to a Date data type in Start Date DateTime Type.
=ToDate([Start Date Text Trimmed]; "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
Finally you can find the amount of time elapsed.
=TimeBetween([Start Date DateTime Type]; [Current Date Time]; HourPeriod)
Adjust the last parameter to be whatever period you need.
For some reason I seem to be getting an extra 4 hours.
That may be an issue with my settings that you do not encounter. It might be a bug. If it is you could adjust your Start Time using the RelativeDate() function.