I'm working with SAS enterprise 7.1 and I would like to know if there's any difference between calling a macro variable with &var. vs &var, that is, without the final dot. In general, I see that both methods work, but I would like to know if there's something that I'm missing. Thanks in advance!
Consider the scenario below:
%let myVar = Demo;
libname example "/home/myName/&myVar85";
SAS will look for the macro variable &myVar85 here. But my macro variable is only myVar....so adding a period tells SAS this is the end of the macro variable and to resolve it.
libname example "/home/myName/&myVar.85";
If you were using it as part of the file path remember to add an extra .
for the extension.
ods excel file="/home/myName/&myVar..xlsx" style=meadow;
proc print data=sashelp.class;
ods excel close;