сlass Chunk
size_t value;
Chunk(size_t value)
class Snake
size_t value;
std::vector<Chunk> snake_body;
Snake(size_t value)
Chunk head_chunk(value);
class Map
size_t value;
// Not able to find "snake" definiton
Snake snake(value); // member Map::value is not a type name
Snake snake { value; } // Why it works?
I'm newbie in OOP, trying to learn it by creating a game console-snake. Here's a problem i met. Structure of the game should be that class Map holds one snake. But when i am trying to instantiate it, i get a problem. Spent so many time on SOF, but nothing have found yet. And why it works with {} Please help ;/
Snake snake(value) is not valid syntax for initialization, and Snake snake{ value } is valid syntax(but probably initializes to an unitialized value since value is not initialized). Some more comments in code below :
class Map
// this is best if you want the main program to initialize snake with a user provided value
explicit Map(size_t value) :
snake{ value } // aggregate initialization https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/aggregate_initialization
size_t value; // if you use Snake{value} then also initialize value here, size_t value{0}; (or size_t value = 0;)
// Not able to find "snake" definiton
Snake snake(value); // <== this tries to make a call to the constuctor of Snake which can't be done here
Snake snake{ value; } // <== this is a valid initialization syntax, but uses unitialized value (so result can be any number)