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NGINX - different backend proxy based on query parameter

I've got a particular scenario where I'm needing to route to a different backend based on query parameter:{secure_link}&{tokens}&route=aws1

Where aws1 would be say

and if its aws2 then proxy backend would be

and so on... but I still have not figured out how to do this.


  • You can use map directive to get a proxy hostname from the $arg_route variable (which contains a value of the route query argument):

    map $arg_route $aws {
        default <default_hostname>;
    server {
        # if you want to proxy the request, you'd need a 'resolver' directive
        resolver <some_working_DNS_server_address>;
        location / {
            # if you want to proxy the request
            proxy_pass http://$aws;
            # or if you want to redirect the request
            rewrite ^ http://$aws$uri permanent;

    If you don't want to serve the request without route query argument, you can omit the last default line at the map block and add the following if block to your server configuration:

    if ($aws = '') {
        return 403; # HTTP 403 denied

    If you need to proxy the request you'd additionally need a resolver directive (you can read some technical details about it in this article).