Search code examples

Can I encourage table-cell text to line wrap?

I have one entire column of a table who's header consists of a question and in the following rows contains only a checkbox...

| Would you like this text to wrap ? | <rest of row> |     <-- <th>
|                []                  + <rest of row> |     <-- <tr>        
|                []                  + <rest of row> |     <-- <tr>   

It looks unsightly to me. Can I use any markup to "encourage" browsers to render it like this...

| There,  |               |
| isn't   |               |
| that    | <rest of row> |     <-- <th>
| nicer?  |               |
|   []    |               |     <-- <tr>
|   []    |               |     <-- <tr>

Please note that I do NOT want to force the browser into a particular rendering, just to suggest something - or to be told that it is not possible.

Any solution must work in MS IE 7.


  • I guess the best you can do is giving a width to the chosen th

    here some example code: