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Convert RDD of Matrix to RDD of Vector

I have a RDD[Matrix[Double]] and want to convert it to RDD[Vector] (Each row in the Matrix will be converted to a Vector).

I've seen related answer like Convert Matrix to RowMatrix in Apache Spark using Scala, but it's one Matrix to RDD of Vector. While my case is RDD of Matrix.


  • Use flatMap on code to convert Matrix to Seq[Vector]:

    // from
    def toSeqOfVector(m: Matrix): Seq[Vector] = {
      val columns = m.toArray.grouped(m.numRows)
      val rows = columns.toSeq.transpose // Skip this if you want a column-major RDD. => new DenseVector(row.toArray))
    val matrices: RDD[Matrix] = ??? // your input
    val vectors:  RDD[Vector] = matrices.flatMap(toSeqOfVector)

    Note: I didn't test this code, but this is the principle