From my initial question with code from @aschipfl. My goal is to iterate through a .ini
file, extract the keys and values of an specific section and to use the extracted informations to call a command. The config.ini
file, which I want to iterate, looks like this:
[Unimportant section]
I am currently iterating the config.ini
file like suggested by aschipfl in my previous question. Take a look at his answer to see the details.
By the way I would be very pleasured if someone could explain me where the variables, which are storing the informations, get initialized and where I could use them.
Anyways since I now should have the informations I need, even if I don't know exactly where, I want to run a command, based on the informations which were extracted.
The command I want to run is a tortoise command, which is working fine with absolute parameters, but strange error messages appear when I want to pass the variables as parameters:
svn log PATH_TO_BRANCH -v --xml --username xxxxxx --password "xxxxxx" > BRANCH.xml
As you can see above in the config.ini
file, the variable PATH_TO_BRANCH
is the original value of the variable BRANCH
, which in this case would be the key. Note that the variables are named differently in the suggestion of achipfl.
I would be pleasured if someone could help me out here or has any suggestions for me, how I could solve my problem.
Firstly, I split the varibale $%%I
after it gets initialized, since $%%I
contains the key/value pair. After that I call the command:
for /f "tokens=1*" %%a in ("$%%I") do (
set "branch=%%a"
set "path=%%b"
cmd /c svn log %path% -v --xml --username xxxxxx --password "xxxxxx" > %branch%.xml
After running this I get this error:
svn: E205000: Try 'svn help log' for more information svn:
E205000: 'extensions' option requires 'diff' option
As I said before I don't get this error, if I use plain text instead of variables as parameters. The command svn help log
only gives me informations about the usage of the command. The XML file doesn't get created.
As per your example, you broke the systems %path%
variable. Never use system variables as your will cause issues in the local session:
This instance does not require any variable's to be set though as you can use the metavariables:
@echo off
for /F "delims=:" %%N in ('findstr /I /N /C:"[items]" "config.ini"') do set "SKIP=%%N"
for /F "usebackq tokens=1,* skip=%SKIP% delims==" %%I in ("config.ini") do (
if "%%J" == "" exit /b
svn log "%%J" -v --xml --username "xxxxxx" --password "xxxxxx" > "%%I.xml"
If you really must set variables, then:
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /F "delims=:" %%N in ('findstr /I /N /C:"[items]" "config.ini"') do set "SKIP=%%N"
for /F "usebackq tokens=1,* skip=%SKIP% delims==" %%I in ("config.ini") do (
set "branch=%%I"
set "svnpath=%%J"
if "%%J" == "" exit /b
svn log "!svnpath!" -v --xml --username "xxxxxx" --password "xxxxxx" > "!branch!.xml"