I am learning flutter, trying to use Getx's GetConnect Custom configuration,
when try to set defaultDecoder for default request, it complains:
The getter 'fromJson' isn't defined for the type 'Resp'.
Try importing the library that defines 'fromJson', correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'fromJson'.dart"
How to fix this error?
Here is My Code:
import 'package:get/get.dart';
class AuthService extends GetConnect {
void onInit() {
// All request will pass to jsonEncode so CasesModel.fromJson()
httpClient.defaultDecoder = Resp.fromJson;
httpClient.baseUrl = 'http://localhost/app_api/auth';
Future<Response<Map<String, dynamic>>> getCaptcha(String mobile) =>
class Resp {
final int Errcode;
final String Errmsg;
final Map<String, dynamic> Data;
Resp(this.Errcode, this.Errmsg, this.Data);
factory Resp.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return Resp(json["errcode"], json["errmsg"], json["data"]);
Check this https://gist.github.com/eduardoflorence/d918d05ad71175b52c2aca95588c305d
class CityModel {
required this.abbreviation,
required this.name,
String abbreviation;
String name;
factory CityModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => CityModel(
abbreviation: json["sigla"],
name: json["nome"],
static List<CityModel> listFromJson(list) => List<CityModel>.from(list.map((x) => CityModel.fromJson(x)));
and Then
httpClient.defaultDecoder = CityModel.listFromJson;