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Dividing two running totals in PostgreSQL

I have three columns, id, opening_date and termination_date.

I want to write a query that performs this:

total number of terminated up until a specific date ÷ total number of opened up until that same specific date

This would give me the fraction of the total opened that have been terminated at that point in time.

I want to calculate this over the span of every date from the first opening until present day.

I have realized that in order to do this, I will have to divide two running totals (the running total of every store ever terminated ÷ the running total of every store ever opened), which has proven to be quite hard.

Here is the code I have gotten so far

The resulting table looks as follows, where the running total of total is just 1,2,3,4,5 .... (which is not correct/what I want) and the resulting fraction is also not correct. The running sum of the terminated stores is correct however.

I have been struggling trying to solve this for a while, thank you for your help!


  • Don't count ids. As you don't want to count the nulls as terminated use the date column instead. You also need to specify that nulls are ordered first:

        over (order by churn_date nulls first
              range between unbounded preceding and current row
    ) * 1.00 as terminated_stores

    You'll want to avoid integer division so convert the numerator to a decimal value prior to computing the percentage. I changed to range between so it will count all store opens (closings) with the same timestamp together. And you do have to avoid divide by zero as well:

    sum(count(close_dt)) over (
        order by close_dt asc nulls first
        range between unbounded preceding and current row
    ) * 1.00 /
    nullif( sum(count(open_dt)) over (
        order by open_dt asc
        range between unbounded preceding and current row
    ), 0) as pct

    See demo here:!17/48fa62/23