I'm practicing code on codingbat and came across this logic question:
Given a number n, return True if n is in the range 1..10, inclusive. Unless outside_mode is True, in which case return True if the number is less or equal to 1, or greater or equal to 10.
The solution is:
if n == 1 or n == 10:
return True
return (n in range(1,11)) ^ outside_mode
If one googles "python ^ symbol" or "what does the ^ symbol do python" Google returns answers regarding the "@" symbol and the modulo symbol. It is not easy to find what this symbol does. This question should therefor be reopened to provide better chances of an early-stage programmer finding these answers
is the bitwise exclusive or (or XOR)
>>> True ^ True
>>> True ^ False
>>> False ^ True
>>> False ^ False