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How do I set a three lane layout/ranking in graphviz?

I have to create process diagramms multiple times a week. I looked into graphviz to make the process less cumbersome. I just started out learning it and it is truly great. However, I cannot figure out how to use subplots to create the layout I want.

  • I want one "lane"/"row" with the process diagram
  • I want one "lane"/"row" with notes that show, how the step is annoying at the moment
  • I want one "lane"/"row" with general information about the process

I tried fiddling around with subgraphs, but that did not work. Is there some way I can achieve this? Here is the code for an example. I also added a picture to illustrate what I want to achieve: My goal. A reusabile layout like this

graph[rankdir =LR]

// the steps
subgraph steps{
node[shape = box]
S_1[label="Step 1"];
S_2[label = "Step 2"];
S_3[label = "Step ..."];
S_4[label = "Step k"]

S_1 -> S_2 -> S_3 -> S_4;

// the problems
subgraph problem {
node[shape = box, color = "red",fontsize = 8]
S_1p[label= "This is not working\nat all. People simply skip this\nstep."]
S_3p[label  = "Instead of changing\nthe session setting,\nusers simply call colleagues via phone"]

S_1p->S_1 //argh
S_3p -> S_3 //argh

//the notes
subgraph notes{
 node[shape = plaintext, color = "black",fontsize = 8]

 S_1n[label="This is really important additional information"]
 S_3n[label="This one as well"]

 S_1n -> S_1;
 S_3n -> S_3;



    • subgraphs and cluster subgraphs are easily confused. see section 3.2 of
    • there is no direct way to order or size clusters, you need invisible nodes and edges. a pain
    • this result is ~ close, but the purple edges are sub-optimal! (to my eye). Dot works hard NOT to draw edges on top of nodes or other structures. sorry.
     // graph[rankdir =LR]  << use default TB 
     graph [newrank=true]  // dang, does not help the curvy edges
     // the steps
     subgraph cluster_steps{
      rank=same // keep horizontal
      node[shape = box]
      S_1[label="Step 1"];
      S_2[label = "Step 2"];
      S_3[label = "Step ..."];
      S_4[label = "Step k"]
      invisA[shape=point style=invis group=I]
      invisA -> S_1 [style=invis]
      //edge [constraint=false]
      S_1 -> S_2 -> S_3 -> S_4;
     // the problems
     subgraph cluster_problem {
      rank=same // keep horizontal
      node[shape = box, color = "red",fontsize = 8]
      S_1p[label= "This is not working\nat all. People simply skip this\nstep."]
      S_3p[label  = "Instead of changing\nthe session setting,\nusers simply call colleagues via phone"]
      invisB[shape=point style=invis group=I]
      invisB-> S_1p  [style=invis]
      edge [constraint=false color=red]
      S_1p->S_1   //argh  << pirate talk??
      S_3p -> S_3 //argh
     //the notes
     subgraph cluster_notes{
      rank=same // keep horizontal
      node[shape = plaintext, color = "black",fontsize = 8]
      S_1n[label="This is really important additional information"]
      S_3n[label="This one as well"]
      invisC[shape=point style=invis group=I]
      invisC-> S_1n [style=invis]
      edge [constraint=false color=purple]  
      S_1n -> S_1;
      S_3n -> S_3;
     invisA ->  invisB ->  invisC

    enter image description here