In Delphi Firedac I have a very long query. I would like to reuse it just changing the name of a column via parameter like this
select f1, f2
from t1
where id = :par1
and :colimn_name = :value_name
Passing the :column_name parameter the reult query is like this:
select f1, f2
from t1
where id = 123
and 'department_name' = 'production'
with 2 '' wrapping the column name.
How can I avoid this, is there a specific way in FireDAC?
Thank you.
That's what FireDAC offers macros for: Substitution Variables
select f1, f2
from t1
where id = :par1
and &column_name = :value_name
Setting the actual columns goes this way:
myQuery.MacroByName('column_name').AsRaw := 'department_name';
Edit: As the column name happens to be a DB identifier, using AsIdentifier
instead of AsRaw
should work as well. That could even be necessary when the column name can be some reserved word in the DB and has to be quoted somehow.