I am building an inhouse Invoicing solution for my company. The government requires us to create QR Code fields encoded in Tag-Length-Value (TLV) format.
The TLV encoding shall be as follows:
Tag: the tag value as mentioned above stored in one byte
Length: the length of the byte array resulted from the UTF8 encoding of the field value. The length shall be stored in one byte.
Value: the byte array resulting from the UTF8 encoding of the field value.
In the example they have provided this Base64 Output
When I decode using
$base64 = "AQkxMjM0NTY3ODkCCjEyLzEyLzIwMjADBDEwMDADAzE1MPaIn2Z2jg6VqWvWV6IrZZNzLF7xvZrWXW5xRV5yFY2xFu0ycXOiyqV0k7Wsh6b1IcE2Tfzap1AQAQVsktmsv1FFQ1MxIAAAAGKblFMh9nFRSn8tvftXqo9zRSz2VEAPITSZ3W7UDHKhUx+7yXGijLtJSZGXMOc+jpKwARzDl68GmmRd75NWdOs=";
echo base64_decode($base64);
The response i get is:
12/12/20201000150���fv���k�W�+e�s,^��]nqE^r���2qs�ʥt������!�6M�ڧPl�٬�QECS1 b��S!�qQJ-��W��sE,�T@!4��n�r�S��q���II��0�>���×��d]�Vt�
Tag 1: Seller's Name
Tag 2: Vat Registration number
Tag 3: Timestamp of the invoice
Tag 4: Invoice Total
Tag 5: Tax Total
Tag 6: Hash of XML invoice
Tag 7: ECDSA Signature
Tag 8: ECDSA Public Key
Tag 9: ECDSA signature of the cryptographic stamp’s public key
What Am I doing wrong here and what is the right syntax to correct it?
Knowing it's binary data, we can echo it with bin2hex(base64_decode($base64))
, and see this:
For easier viewing, I used the command line tools base64 -d
and xxd
to get this view:
00000000: 0109 3132 3334 3536 3738 3902 0a31 322f ..123456789..12/
00000010: 3132 2f32 3032 3003 0431 3030 3003 0331 12/2020..1000..1
00000020: 3530 f688 9f66 768e 0e95 a96b d657 a22b 50...fv....k.W.+
00000030: 6593 732c 5ef1 bd9a d65d 6e71 455e 7215 e.s,^....]nqE^r.
00000040: 8db1 16ed 3271 73a2 caa5 7493 b5ac 87a6 ....2qs...t.....
00000050: f521 c136 4dfc daa7 5010 0105 6c92 d9ac .!.6M...P...l...
00000060: bf51 4543 5331 2000 0000 629b 9453 21f6 .QECS1 ...b..S!.
00000070: 7151 4a7f 2dbd fb57 aa8f 7345 2cf6 5440 qQJ.-..W..sE,.T@
00000080: 0f21 3499 dd6e d40c 72a1 531f bbc9 71a2 .!4..n..r.S...q.
00000090: 8cbb 4949 9197 30e7 3e8e 92b0 011c c397 ..II..0.>.......
000000a0: af06 9a64 5def 9356 74eb ...d]..Vt.
You haven't explained what the possible "tag" values are, but I can see the start of that string has a tag of 0x01
, a length of 0x09
, and the following 9 bytes are ASCII/UTF-8 for 123456789
; it then has a tag of 0x02
, a length of 0x0a
, and the next 10 characters are ASCII/UTF-8 12/12/2020
; and so on.
Later, there is a tag of f6
with a length of 88
, and some binary data, but without knowing what tag f6
means, I've no reason to suppose that's a problem - maybe it embeds an image, or a stream of compressed data.