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How to efficiently group a sorted flux into serialized groups in Spring?

Let's say I have an input Flux containing many (billions of strings) like this:

  • apple
  • application
  • bible
  • book

There are billions of such strings, they won't fit into memory, that's why I want to use the reactive approach.

The stream is sorted. Now what I want is to create a flux of ordered groups of strings by the first 3 characters:

  • app: apple, application
  • bib: bible
  • boo: book

This Flux ends up on an HTTP response which means that all "app" items must be outputted before "bib" items begin.

Without using Flux I could use the ordered property and collect the items into a prepared bucket (amount of strings per bucket will fit into memory) as they come - whenever the prefix changes, I will flush the bucket and start collecting new prefix. The big advantage of the stream being ordered is that I know that once I encounter new prefix, the old one will never come again.

But using Flux I don't know how to do this. The .groupBy() will return Flux of Flux but I don't think this will work when trying to serialize this to the HTTP response output stream.


  • This is pretty much a textbook use case for windowUntilChanged().

    In your case, the "key" you want to extract is the first 3 letters of the string, so you can do something like flux.windowUntilChanged(str -> str.substring(0,3)), which will give you a Flux<Flux<String>>, where the inner fluxes start and finish on change of the first 3 letters in your string. You may want to add some additional logic to deal with words less than 3 characters long of course, but I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader :-)

    (I know you've mentioned it in the question, but just for clarification and the sake of anyone else finding this answer - this will only work if the incoming elements on the stream are already sorted alphabetically.)