I tried to plot a few variables in Dymola, but when I want to zoom in on these plots, I need to zoom in on each of them manually, how could I zoom in on these plots simultaneously?
The case that makes most sense is to zoom on the x-axis which usually represents time in Dymola. You should be able to zoom all plot simultaneously by holding down the shift-key while doing a zooming-gesture mainly moving your mouse horizontally.
The result should look like the gif below (for the coupled-clutches demo from the MSL at Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Examples.CoupledClutches
with the trajectories moved to separated subplots to show the effect).
A similar thing can be done by moving the mouse mainly vertically. This is useful in case you don't want to change the time-scale of the plot.
One addition:
Another neat feature that is actually not known very well thing, using the Alt-key in a similar way as described above. This will result in synched zooming for time AND adjusting the amplitude in all subplots, an example: