I have a data.table with over ten thousand of rows. I want to count in one column how many times a variable appears, but I want to use non-exact match. The data looks like this:
dt1 <- data.table (place = c("a north", "a south", "b south", "a north", "c west", "b north", "c south", "a west", "b west"))
1: a north
2: a south
3: b south
4: a north
5: c west
6: b north
7: c south
8: a west
9 b west
I just want to count how many times "a", "b" and "c" appears independent from the words that follows. I would like the result to look like this:
a b c
1: 4 3 2
I tried summarise, charmath and pmatch, but they didn't work. Could anyone help?
You can try a full data.table
dt1[,'.'(var = sub(" .*", "",place))
][,'.'(cnt = .N), by = var
][,data.table::transpose(.SD, make.names= 'var')]
a b c
1: 4 3 2