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Azure SDK for .Net - dependency injection for two subscriptions

I have the following code that registers an instance to the .net services collection for Azure services.

services.AddSingleton(x => Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent.Azure.Authenticate(azureCredentials)

This code then resolves an instance of the IAzure in my service class where I can access all the services available like _azure.SqlServers.ListAsync etc.

I want to have a way so I can work with two Azure subscriptions and thus register two instances to the services collection and then be able to resolve the one that I want. You can check here for a similar example of what I want, it's about the blob storage though.


  • As with the linked example, you would need a way to uniquely differentiate the services and most likely need to use a factory pattern design

    public interface IAzureFactory {
        IAzure GetSubscription(string subscriptionId);

    The subscription Id could be used to separate the services, but that would require getting the current subscription id from the service to find the match

    public class AzureFactory : IAzureFactory {
        private readonly IEnumerable<IAzure> subs;
        public AzureFactory (IEnumerable<IAzure> subs) {
            this.subs = subs;
        public IAzure GetSubscription(string subscriptionId) {
            return subs.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.SubscriptionId == subscriptionId) ??
                throw new InvalidArgumentException("invalid subscription Id)"; 

    From there it is only a matter of registering the different subscriptions.

    services.AddSingleton<IAzureFactory, AzureFactory>();
        .AddSingleton(x => Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent.Azure.Authenticate(azureCredentials)
        .AddSingleton(x => Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent.Azure.Authenticate(azureCredentials)

    And using the factory to get the desired subscription

    private readonly IAzure azure;
    public MyService(IAzureFactory factory) {
        azure = factory.GetSubscription(...);