I have 4 days experience with apache camel and hence this question.
What I would like to do is to add interceptor that would be triggered AFTER endpoint if condition met.
I am able to just add AFTER endpoint interceptor by doing this:
I would assume that if I would like to add condition to this chain I would write this:
But apache camel's API thinks different. ;) (like apple)
So the logic I am trying to achieve is: If condition met - then AFTER_ENDPOINT_1 should be executed, if condition is NOT met then AFTER_ENDPOINT_1 should NOT be executed.
Could you please assist with what should I write in this scenario? Perhaps I misuse interceptors - in this case, please direct me to the right path.
After 2 days of tests I came to conclusion that the best way to do it is this:
With such route:
.log("after MY_ROUTE_EXMPL log")
.log("after ENDPOINT_1")
.log("after ENDPOINT_2")
with configuration this is the output when condition MET:
2021-10-11 01:40:05.322 INFO 2059 --- [nio-8990-exec-7] route3 : after MY_ROUTE_EXMPL log
inside: com.camel.interceptor.bean.TestConsumer.endpoint1
2021-10-11 01:40:05.323 INFO 2059 --- [nio-8990-exec-7] route3 : after ENDPOINT_1
inside: com.camel.interceptor.bean.TestConsumer.endpoint2
inside: com.camel.interceptor.bean.TestConsumer.afterUri
2021-10-11 01:40:05.323 INFO 2059 --- [nio-8990-exec-7] route3 : after ENDPOINT_2
inside : com.camel.interceptor.bean.TestConsumer.returnString
2021-10-11 01:40:05.323 INFO 2059 --- [nio-8990-exec-7] route3 : after RETURN_STRING_ENDPOINT
The TO endpoints are represented as simple @Consume annotated methods of void type with only single
System.out.println("inside: com.camel.interceptor.bean.TestConsumer.{ENDPOINT_METHOD_NAME}");
When condition is NOT met then output is:
2021-10-11 01:44:15.005 INFO 2059 --- [io-8990-exec-10] route3 : after MY_ROUTE_EXMPL log
inside: com.camel.interceptor.bean.TestConsumer.endpoint1
2021-10-11 01:44:15.005 INFO 2059 --- [io-8990-exec-10] route3 : after ENDPOINT_1
inside: com.camel.interceptor.bean.TestConsumer.endpoint2
2021-10-11 01:44:15.005 INFO 2059 --- [io-8990-exec-10] route3 : after ENDPOINT_2
inside : com.camel.interceptor.bean.TestConsumer.returnString
2021-10-11 01:44:15.005 INFO 2059 --- [io-8990-exec-10] route3 : after RETURN_STRING_ENDPOINT
Both output are as expected.
As stated in the question: Now when condition is MET then execution goes into ENDPOINT_2 (only once) AND AFTER_URI.
When condition is NOT MET then execution goes ONLY in ENDPOINT_2 WITHOUT hitting AFTER_URI.
Here is link to repo with examples of different aproaches of interception. Those examples are made by my colleague Tarun, I only added one more example that looks as a best option to me and the same example I present here as an answer. Thank you Tarun for your help.
Here is the link to source code with examples: https://github.com/ffatheranderson/taruns_apache_camel_examples