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What is the Azure Bus Service Queue Listener replacement for .NET 5+?

The SDK for .NET 5 has changed and the package Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus will be deprecated, so the IQueueClient no longer exists.

What is the latest solution to create a SB Queue listener?


  • Using the ServiceBusProcessor

    string connectionString = "<connection_string>";
    string queueName = "<queue_name>";
    // since ServiceBusClient implements IAsyncDisposable we create it with "await using"
    await using var client = new ServiceBusClient(connectionString);
    var options = new ServiceBusProcessorOptions
        // By default or when AutoCompleteMessages is set to true, the processor will complete the message after executing the message handler
        // Set AutoCompleteMessages to false to [settle messages]( on your own.
        // In both cases, if the message handler throws an exception without settling the message, the processor will abandon the message.
        AutoCompleteMessages = false,
        // I can also allow for multi-threading
        MaxConcurrentCalls = 2
    // create a processor that we can use to process the messages
    await using ServiceBusProcessor processor = client.CreateProcessor(queueName, options);
    // configure the message and error handler to use
    processor.ProcessMessageAsync += MessageHandler;
    processor.ProcessErrorAsync += ErrorHandler;
    async Task MessageHandler(ProcessMessageEventArgs args)
        string body = args.Message.Body.ToString();
        // we can evaluate application logic and use that to determine how to settle the message.
        await args.CompleteMessageAsync(args.Message);
    Task ErrorHandler(ProcessErrorEventArgs args)
        // the error source tells me at what point in the processing an error occurred
        // the fully qualified namespace is available
        // as well as the entity path
        return Task.CompletedTask;
    // start processing
    await processor.StartProcessingAsync();