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How to make X axis wider in foresplot

I'm having trouble widening the x axis of the forestplot. i.e. area inside the red box. I want to increase/zoom-in the plotted area(area inside the red box) without skipping any numbers. I want it to be wide enough for improved visibility. Any tips on how to expand the mean (95% CI) number lines would be greatly appreciated.

enter image description here

Can anyone help me?

Here are the r codes that I have used to create the above forestplot:


Number <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18)
group <- c('A','A','A','A','A','A','A','A','A','B','B','B','B','B','B','B','B','B')
labeltext <- c('Altered level of consciousness','Central neuropathy','Fever','Headache','Hypotension','Nausea vomiting','Pallor','Visual changes','Weakness','Altered level of consciousness','Central neuropathy','Fever',
               'Headache','Hypotension','Nausea vomiting','Pallor','Visual changes','Weakness')

mean <- c(0.52,0.88,1.01,0.97,0.55 ,0.99,0.64,0.49,NA,NA,0.04 ,0.1,0.09,0.04,0.04,0.04 ,0.04,NA)
lower <-c(0.39,0.7,0.72,0.59,0.45,0.69,0.44,0.32,NA,NA,0.02,0.04,0.03,0.02,0.01,0.01,0.01,NA)
upper <-c(0.68,1.11,1.43,1.6,0.68,1.42,0.95,0.73,NA,NA,0.11,0.23,0.31,0.09,0.15,0.16,0.17,NA)

df <- data.frame(Number, group, labeltext, mean, lower, upper)

df <- df %>% mutate(est = sprintf("%.2f", mean), .after = labeltext)

clrs <- fpColors(box = "royalblue",line = "darkblue", summary = "royalblue")

tabletext <- list(c(NA, df %>% filter(group == "A") %>% pull(labeltext)),
                  append(list(expression(beta)), df %>% filter(group == "A") %>% pull(est)))

df %>% 
  filter(group == "A") %>% 
  bind_rows(tibble(mean = NA), .) %>% 
  forestplot(labeltext = tabletext, 
             col = clrs,
             xlab = "95 CI")

df %>%
  group_by(group) %>%
  forestplot(title= "test header",
             clip = c(0, 5),
    = 1,
             shapes_gp = fpShapesGp(box = c("chocolate1", "aquamarine3") %>% lapply(function(x) gpar(fill = x, col = "#555555")),
                                    default = gpar(vertices = TRUE)),
             ci.vertices = TRUE,
             ci.vertices.height = 0.05,
             boxsize = .1,
             ticks = gpar(fontfamily = "", cex = 5),
             xlab = "mean (95% CI)",
             grid=structure(c(1), gp=gpar(lty=2, lwd=1)))


  • Here is a potential solution to your problem. You can create the range of your x-axis by doing this Tthis is just an example. I am not sure what values you want to use).

    ticks <- c(0.04, 0.2, 1, 2) 
    attr(ticks, "labels") <- as.character(ticks)

    You can add the ticks into your code to change the x-axis like this

    df %>%
      group_by(group) %>%
      forestplot(title= "test header",
                 clip = c(0, 5),
        = 1,
                 shapes_gp = fpShapesGp(box = c("chocolate1", "aquamarine3") %>% lapply(function(x) gpar(fill = x, col = "#555555")),
                                        default = gpar(vertices = TRUE)),
                 ci.vertices = TRUE,
                 ci.vertices.height = 0.05,
                 xticks=ticks, # ADDITION
                 boxsize = .1,
                 ticks = gpar(fontfamily = "", cex = 5),
                 xlab = "mean (95% CI)",
                 grid=structure(c(1), gp=gpar(lty=2, lwd=1)))

    enter image description here