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Problems simulating purchase with StoreKit 2

I'm trying to test my IAPs for my macOS app with the new StoreKit 2 API.

I have created a .storekit file and have assigned it in my scheme under Run > Options > StoreKit Configuration.

Retrieving the test products works without problems:

let identifiers = Set(["myProductId"])
let products = try await Product.products(for: identifiers)

But when I want to simulate a purchase nothing happens. It's stuck and never prints the result.

func purchase(product: Product) async throws {
    print("Purchasing \( ...")
    let result = try await product.purchase()

I'm currently on macOS Monterey Beta 8 and Xcode 13 beta 5.


  • You have to make sure the Sandbox is configured with Outgoing Connections (Client) enabled:

    Sandbox configuration