I am currently trying to loop through every item from a .ini
file and to work with the values later on. But I can't figure out how. My config.ini
file looks like this:
I found a way to iterate and echo every item from the config.ini
file, like so:
@echo off
for /F %%i in (config.ini) do (
echo %%i
My problem is that I want to work with specific values. So I have to check the categorie and the keys from the config.ini
file. I tried using this, but I ran into errors:
@echo off
for /F %%i in (config.ini) do (
SET item = %%i
if %item%==[items] (
rem do something here with the key and values now
As I already mentioned, I am not able to save the values to another variable, which leads to my problem that I can't work with them.
A quite simple approach was to determine the line number of the target section header in advance, then skip such as many lines when reading the configuration file, stopping as soon as there occurs another string enclosed within brackets:
@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // Define constants here:
set "_CONFIG=%~dp0config.ini" & rem // (path to configuration file)
set "_SECT=items" & rem // (section name without brackets)
rem // Clean up variables whose names begin with `$`:
for /F "delims==" %%V in ('2^> nul set "$"') do set "%%V="
rem // Gather number of line containing the given section (ignoring case):
for /F "delims=:" %%N in ('findstr /N /I /X /C:"[%_SECT%]" "%_CONFIG%"') do set "SKIP=%%N"
rem // Read configuration file, skipping everything up to the section header:
for /F "usebackq skip=%SKIP% delims=" %%I in ("%_CONFIG%") do (
rem // Leave loop as soon as another section header is reached:
for /F "tokens=1* delims=[]" %%K in ("%%I") do if "[%%K]%%L"=="%%I" goto :NEXT
rem // Do something with the key/value pair, like echoing it:
rem // Assign a variable named of `$` + key and assign the value:
set "$%%I"
rem // Return assigned variables:
set "$"
exit /B
This script would assign the following variables, based on your sample configuration file:
$item_1=XXXXX $item_2=XXXXX $item_3=XXXXX $item_4=XXXXX