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Selective output from SoX stats option?

I'm using Kubuntu to run SoX. I have the following code to get info from sound files:

for file in *.mp3; do echo -e '\n--------------------\n'$file'\n'; sox $file -n stats; done > stats.txt 2>&1 | tail -1

It produces output that looks like this:


DC offset  -0.000287
Min level  -0.585483
Max level   0.572299
Pk lev dB      -4.65
RMS lev dB    -19.55
RMS Pk dB     -12.98
RMS Tr dB     -78.44
Crest factor    5.56
Flat factor     0.00
Pk count           2
Bit-depth      29/29
Num samples     628k
Length s      14.237
Scale max   1.000000
Window s       0.050

Could someone amend the command to limit the output so that it looks like this?


Pk lev dB      -4.65
RMS lev dB    -19.55
RMS Pk dB     -12.98
RMS Tr dB     -78.44



  • Given that the lines of interest have the word "dB" in common, you could filter SoX output with grep -w dB:

    for file in *.mp3; do echo -e '\n--------------------\n'$file'\n'; sox $file -n stats | grep -w dB; done > stats.txt 2>&1

    Resulting content of stats.txt:

    Pk lev dB      -4.65
    RMS lev dB    -19.55
    RMS Pk dB     -12.98
    RMS Tr dB     -78.44