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Recursively move file into folder

please I need help with this script. I need to recursively move one particular file into one particular folder. The particular file is in the same folder as the particular folder.

To make it clear.

enter image description here

I have tried this, but its not working recursively, when I add the script into the Movie1 folder and from the script I remove the cd Movie folder, then it will move the file into that folder. But I need to make it run from the Root. Thanks for anykind of idea.

cd Movie folder
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /s ""') do move "%%~i" "Subtitles"


  • You are almost there

    You need the first line to optionally force the script to cd and look in relative local drive

    Then add relative subdirs

    cd /D "%~dp0"
    for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /s ""') do move "%%~i" "%%~dpiSubtitles"

    If the folder names are \Subtitles folder then you need to add that at the end i.e. "%%~dpiSubtitles folder"

    C:\Users>"E:\Movie folder\script.bat"
    C:\Users>cd /D "E:\Movie folder\"
    E:\Movie folder>for /F "delims=" %i in ('dir /b /s ""') do move "%~i" "%~dpiSubtitles"
    E:\Movie folder>move "E:\Movie folder\Movie1\" "E:\Movie folder\Movie1\Subtitles"
            1 file(s) moved.
    E:\Movie folder>move "E:\Movie folder\Movie2\" "E:\Movie folder\Movie2\Subtitles"
            1 file(s) moved.
    E:\Movie folder>move "E:\Movie folder\Movie3\" "E:\Movie folder\Movie3\Subtitles"
            1 file(s) moved.
    E:\Movie folder>