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AWS Serverless .NET Project local run with Docker image fails

I have a problem running my first serverless project based on AWS Lambda. Im trying to run API using SAM CLI on localhost, still geting

Error: AspNetCoreFunction failed to build: COPY failed: file not found in build context or excluded by .dockerignore: stat bin/Release/lambda-publish: file does not exist

while executing

sam build --template .\serverless.template

from my Catalog.API project. I can't find solution reading documentation or searching Google. Please check my solution placed at:

My goal is to run localy API using "sam local start-api"

Also, please share any thoughts about my solution architecture or local testing method, as I said it's my first attepmt to serverless architecture after working with microservices.

Thanks for any asnwers :)


  • Either add to your Catalog.API.csproj next lines:

        <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Release' ">

    And build your solution in Release mode.

    Or fix your docker file (Serverless-aws-e-shop/Services/Catalog/Catalog.API/Dockerfile) to copy files from existing path or use multi-stage build to build your solution inside a container (as example dotnet docker app does)