There are several threads covering similar topics, but unfortunately, these seem to be too complicated for me, so I would like to ask a similar question, hoping that someone will have a look at my code specifically to tell me if I got something wrong.
I am learning numba cuda right now, starting with the simple examples one can find in the net. I started with this tutorial here:
which shows how to do an addition of arrays in parallel. The system configuration they used to evaluate the times is not given. For the code replication, I use a Geforce GTX 1080 Ti and an Intel Core i7 8700K CPU.
I basically copied the addition script from the tutorial, but added also sequential code for comparison:
from numba import cuda
import numpy as np
import time
import math
def addition_kernel(x, y, out):
tx = cuda.threadIdx.x
ty = cuda.blockIdx.x
block_size = cuda.blockDim.x
grid_size = cuda.gridDim.x
start = tx+ ty * block_size
stride = block_size * grid_size
for i in range(start, x.shape[0], stride):
out[i] = y[i] + x[i]
def add(n, x, y):
for i in range(n):
y[i] = y[i] + x[i]
if __name__ =="__main__":
n = 100000
x = np.arange(n).astype(np.float32)
y = 2 * x
out = np.empty_like(x)
x_device = cuda.to_device(x)
y_device = cuda.to_device(y)
out_device = cuda.device_array_like(x)
# Set the number of threads in a block
threadsperblock = 128
# Calculate the number of thread blocks in the grid
blockspergrid = 30#math.ceil(n[0] / threadsperblock)
# Now start the kernel
start = time.process_time()
addition_kernel[blockspergrid, threadsperblock](x_device, y_device, out_device)
end = time.process_time()
out_global_mem = out_device.copy_to_host()
print("parallel time: ", end - start)
start = time.process_time()
end = time.process_time()
print("sequential time: ", end-start)
The parallel time is on average around 0.14 seconds, while the code without GPU kernel takes only 0.02 seconds.
This seems quite strange to me. Is there anything I did wrong? Or is this problem not a good example for parallelism? (which I do not think as you can run the for loop in parallel)
What is odd is that I do hardly notice a difference if I do not use the to_device()
functions. As far as I understood, these should be important, as they avoid the communication between CPU and GPU after each iteration.
is compiled at runtime when it is called the first time, so in the middle of your measured time! The compilation of a kernel is a pretty intensive operation. You can force the compilation to be done eagerly (ie. when the function is defined) by providing the types to Numba.
Note that the arrays are a bit too small so you can see a big improvement on GPUs. Moreover, the comparison with the CPU version is not really fair: you should also use Numba for the CPU implementation or at least Numpy (but not an interpreted pure-CPython loop).
Here is an example:
import numba as nb
@cuda.jit('void(float32[::1], float32[::1], float32[::1])')
def addition_kernel(x, y, out):
tx = cuda.threadIdx.x
ty = cuda.blockIdx.x
block_size = cuda.blockDim.x
grid_size = cuda.gridDim.x
start = tx+ ty * block_size
stride = block_size * grid_size
for i in range(start, x.shape[0], stride):
out[i] = y[i] + x[i]
@nb.njit('void(int64, float32[::1], float32[::1])')
def add(n, x, y):
for i in range(n):
y[i] = y[i] + x[i]