In Power shell i am trying to run ORacle Cloud CLI command and filtering it with JQ. If i use hard coded values in JQ select it is working fine..but if i use a variable instead, i am not getting any data. Please help.
working with hard-coded value in select:
oci compute instance list-vnics --all --compartment-id xxxxx --profile myprof |C:\myfiles\jq-win64.exe '.data[]|select(.\"hostname-label\"==\"test1\")'
Failing code witn a variable in Select:
oci compute instance list-vnics --all --compartment-id xxxxx --profile myprof |C:\myfiles\jq-win64.exe '.data[]|select(.\"hostname-label\"==\"$host_name\")'
PowerShell does not expand variables in single-quoted strings.
$ociResult = oci compute instance list-vnics --all --compartment-id xxxxx --profile myprof
$jqExpr = '.data[]|select(.\"hostname-label\"==\"' + $host_name + '\")'
$ociResult | C:\myfiles\jq-win64.exe $jqExpr