I have an image on a view.
So, how to adjust the dragOffset and position based on the angle of rotation?
struct ImageView: View {
@State private var dragOffset: CGSize = .zero
@State private var position: CGSize = .zero
@State private var currentRotation: Angle = .zero
@GestureState private var twistAngle: Angle = .zero
public var body: some View {
let rotationGesture = RotationGesture(minimumAngleDelta: .degrees(10))
.updating($twistAngle, body: { (value, state, _) in
state = value
.onEnded{ self.currentRotation += $0 }
let dragGesture = DragGesture()
.onChanged({ (value) in
self.dragOffset = value.translation
.onEnded({ (value) in
self.position.width += value.translation.width
self.position.height += value.translation.height
self.dragOffset = .zero
let gestures = rotationGesture
.simultaneously(with: dragGesture)
.offset(x: dragOffset.width + position.width, y: dragOffset.height + position.height)
.rotationEffect(currentRotation + twistAngle)
.gesture(gestures, including: .gesture)
The order of the modifiers matter. You currently have the offset
before the rotation - therefore you are applying the offset then rotating. This makes the offset appear at an angle. Instead, you want to rotate and then offset.
.offset(x: dragOffset.width + position.width, y: dragOffset.height + position.height)
.rotationEffect(currentRotation + twistAngle)
.gesture(gestures, including: .gesture)
To this:
.rotationEffect(currentRotation + twistAngle)
.offset(x: dragOffset.width + position.width, y: dragOffset.height + position.height)
.gesture(gestures, including: .gesture)