I made a very simple Octave script
a = [10e6, 11e6, 12e6];
b = [10, 11, 12];
plot(a, b, 'rd-')
which outputs the following graph.
Is it possible to set the numbering on the x-axis to engineering notation, rather than scientific, and have it display "10.5e+6, 11e+6, 11.5e+6" instead of "1.05e+7, 1.1e+7, 1.15+e7"?
While octave provides a 'short eng' formatting option, which does what you're asking for in terms of printing to the terminal, it does not appear to provide this functionality in plots or when formatting strings via sprintf
Therefore you'll have to find a way to do this by yourself, with some creative string processing of the initial xticks, and substituting the plot's ticklabels accordingly. Thankfully it's not that hard :)
Using your example:
a = [10e6, 11e6, 12e6];
b = [10, 11, 12];
plot(a, b, 'rd-')
format short eng % display stdout in engineering format
TickLabels = disp( xticks ) % collect string as it would be displayed on the stdout
TickLabels = strsplit( TickLabels ) % tokenize at spaces
TickLabels = TickLabels( 2 : end - 1 ) % discard start and end empty tokens
TickLabels = regexprep( TickLabels, '\.0+e', 'e' ) % remove purely zero decimals using a regular expression
TickLabels = regexprep( TickLabels, '(\.[1-9]*)0+e', '$1e' ) % remove non-significant zeros in non-zero decimals using a regular expression
xticklabels( TickLabels ) % set the new ticklabels to the plot
format % reset short eng format back to default, if necessary