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Modify xml with Xmldocument in C#

I am trying to edit the values of an xml document following the instructions found on another post here How to modify existing XML file with XmlDocument and XmlNode in C# .

here is my code

XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
        xml = xml.Load(@"");

        XmlNodeList aNodes = xml.SelectNodes("/InvoicesDoc/invoice/issuer/vatNumber");

        foreach (XmlNode aNode in aNodes)
            XmlAttribute vatAttribute = aNode.Attributes["vatNumber"];
            vatAttribute.Value = "123456789";


My problem is that XmlNodeList aNodes will return empty; i have tried to change the xml.SelectNodes("/InvoicesDoc/invoice/issuer/vatNumber") to xml.SelectNodes("/InvoicesDoc/invoice/issuer") and all the way up to single xml.SelectNodes("/InvoicesDoc") but still XmlNodeList aNodes will return empty. First attempts i loaded the XML doc from file and had the issue. Then i thought maybe something wrong with the file so changed the load of the file directly from the site provides this xml template i need to work on. Both options will load the file fine as i can see it when is saved but my changes will not complete since aNodes is empty and foreach loop will skip straight away.

What am i doing wrong?

thanks for your help in advance.

ps this is the xml i need to edit

Update: I just tried with another xlm found in microsoft example called books on XmlNodelist will also return null/empty when i look for /catalog/book . So the good side is that there is no problem with original xml file i need to edit and the bad side is that still i cannot figure out what i am doing wrong.


  • XmlNodeList aNodes returns null because the xml contains these namespace declarations:

    <InvoicesDoc xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" 

    You need to manage your xml doing something like this:

    XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
    XmlNamespaceManager manager = new XmlNamespaceManager(xml.NameTable);
                manager.AddNamespace("InvoicesDoc", "");
    //Example to get the root element
    XmlNodeList root = xml.SelectNodes("/InvoicesDoc:InvoicesDoc", manager);
    //Example to get the VatNumber tag
    XmlNodeList aNodes =xml.SelectNodes("/InvoicesDoc:InvoicesDoc/InvoicesDoc:invoice/InvoicesDoc:issuer/InvoicesDoc:vatNumber", manager);