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Is there a way to resize a Kaboom game when the window is resized

Consider the following simple kaboom "game":


function makeWallComps(name, x, y, w, h) {
  return [
    rect(w, h),
    pos(x, y),

let leftWall = add(makeWallComps("left", 5, height() / 2, 10, height()));
let rightWall = add(makeWallComps("right", width() - 5, height() / 2, 10, height()));
let topWall = add(makeWallComps("top", width() / 2, 5, width() - 20, 10));
let bottomWall = add(makeWallComps("bottom", width() / 2, height() - 5, width() - 20, 10));

let obj = add([
  rect(20, 20),
  pos(width() / 2, height() / 2),
  { dir: rand(-180, 180) }

obj.use(move(obj.dir, 100));

// bounce
obj.collides("wall", function huh(obstacle) {
  if ("left")) {
    if (obj.dir < -90) {
      obj.dir = -180 - obj.dir;
    } else if (obj.dir > 90) {
      obj.dir = 180 - obj.dir;
  } else if ("right")) {
    if (obj.dir < 0) {
      obj.dir = -180 - obj.dir;
    } else {
      obj.dir = 180 - obj.dir;
  } else if ("top")) {
    obj.dir *= -1;
  } else if ("bottom")) {
    obj.dir *= -1;
  obj.use(move(obj.dir, 100));

  () => {
    // I want to resize the game window
    // This does not work: 
    // canvas.width = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
    // canvas.height = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
    leftWall.use(pos(5, height() / 2));
    leftWall.use(rect(10, height()));
    rightWall.use(pos(width() - 5, height() / 2));
    rightWall.use(rect(10, height()));
    topWall.use(pos(width() / 2, 5));
    topWall.use(rect(width() - 20, 10));
    bottomWall.use(pos(width() / 2, height() - 5));
    bottomWall.use(rect(width() - 20, 10));
<script src=""></script>

I'd like to be able to resize the canvas and have that reflected by the built in kaboom functions. Unfortunately explicitly setting the canvas dimensions doesn't work, and KaboomCtx doesn't appear to have any resize function. Is there any way to resize a kaboom game?


  • Well, I read through some of the Kaboom source code and discovered this this is pretty severely not-modifiable after initialization.

    const app = appInit({
        // gconf.width is the initial width specified in the call to kaboom()
        width: gconf.width,
        height: gconf.height,
        scale: gconf.scale,
        crisp: gconf.crisp,
        canvas: gconf.canvas,
        root: gconf.root,
        stretch: gconf.stretch,
        touchToMouse: gconf.touchToMouse ?? true,
        audioCtx: audio.ctx,
    const gfx = gfxInit(, {
        background: gconf.background ? rgb(gconf.background) : undefined,
        width: gconf.width,
        height: gconf.height,
        scale: gconf.scale,
        texFilter: gconf.texFilter,
        stretch: gconf.stretch,
        letterbox: gconf.letterbox,
    // This creates functions width() and height() that just returns the values passed to gfxInit()
    const {
    } = gfx;

    It turns out there is already an open feature request for this. Based on the current state of the code that seems like it will be quite the chore to implement.